Alert: Justice Courts eFiling
Effective April 1, 2025, Electronic Filing will be mandatory for all Mohave County Justice Court Eviction and Civil cases filed by an attorney. If you have any questions, please contact
the appropriate court.
Effective April 1, 2025, Electronic Filing will be mandatory for all Mohave County Justice Court Eviction and Civil cases filed by an attorney. If you have any questions, please contact
the appropriate court.
The purpose of an Order of Protection is to restrain another person from committing an act of domestic violence, as defined in Arizona Revised Statutes 13-3601A.
Orders of Protection can be issued by any court in Arizona regardless of the location of the plaintiff and defendant. They can be issued either ex parte (with only one person present) or after a hearing. Both are good for one year after service on the defendant. One year after service on the defendant. Any order served on or after 9/24/2022 is in effect for two years from date of service. Any order served before 9/24/2022 is in effect one year from date of service. Only the judge can terminate or change them. Service of process charges apply to Injunctions and may be deferred or waived depending on your financial circumstances. You may discuss this with the clerk when you visit the court to file for an order or injunction.
View all Forms associated with Orders of Protection below.
AZPOINT, the Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool, has been designed to help you fill out a petition for an Order of Protection.
To be granted an order, you must be one of the following:
The clerks at any Court will provide you with the Petition for Order of Protection. You may request that information regarding your current address, phone number and employment be kept confidential and not be disclosed to the defendant. Please review the Arizona Supreme Court's Domestic Violence Information Page to access comprehensive local and statewide resources for those at risk of domestic violence.
AZPOINT - Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool
The purpose of an Injunction against Harassment is to restrain a person from committing acts of harassment. Harassment, as defined by Arizona Revised Statutes 12-1809R, is a series of acts over any period of time directed at a specific person that would cause, or has caused, a reasonable person to be seriously alarmed, annoyed or harassed and that serves no legitimate purpose. Harassment includes unlawful picketing, trespasser assembly, unlawful mass assembly, concerted interference with lawful exercise of business activity and engaging in a secondary boycott as defined in section 23-1321 and defamation in violation of section 23-1325. Judges within Mohave County will sign Restraining Orders any time during normal business hours. You do not need an appointment or prescheduled time though you should call the court in advance to confirm that the judge will be available when you wish to appear.
The Injunction Against Workplace Harassment, which went into effect on December 31, 2000, is very similar to the more familiar "Injunction Against Harassment".
There are two basic differences between the regular injunction against harassment and the new workplace injunction. First of all, a person petitions for a regular injunction, whereas a business, or an authorized agent of a business or employee, petitions for a workplace injunction. Secondly, a regular injunction protects a person, and follows that person around, whereas a workplace injunction protects a place, stays at that place and protects employees, customers, visitors - whoever comes into that place.