Alert: Justice Courts eFiling
Effective April 1, 2025, Electronic Filing will be mandatory for all Mohave County Justice Court Eviction and Civil cases filed by an attorney. If you have any questions, please contact
the appropriate court.
Effective April 1, 2025, Electronic Filing will be mandatory for all Mohave County Justice Court Eviction and Civil cases filed by an attorney. If you have any questions, please contact
the appropriate court.
Most traffic citations that are given out by law enforcement are considered civil violations. These include running a stoplight, speeding, making an illegal turn, crossing the street illegally, or a parking meter violation. The penalty for a civil traffic infraction is usually a fine. Additionally, points may be assessed on your driving record. An infraction is a non-criminal charge.
If you have Criminal Traffic or Misdemeanor violations included on your citation, you must appear before the judge on your scheduled appearance date.
Note: Failure to appear or pay will result in an admission of responsibility and judgment will be entered for the State.
Visit the Forms and Form Kits page to view and download forms related to traffic cases.
If you have been charged with a civil traffic violation, you have the following rights:
You may pay your citation or monthly payment to the court by money order, certified check or credit card. You also have the option to pay online.
If you are required to pay fines, penalties, fees or other financial obligations as a result of judgment of this court and you are unable to pay, bring this information to the attention of court staff or the judge because payments over time or other alternatives may be available. Do not ignore your responsibility to pay, as this may result in additional penalties and costs to you. For more information, contact the court or an attorney.
A civil traffic violation does not require a court appearance before the Judge. You may enter a plea of responsible and pay the fine in person or by mail. Follow the instructions on the bond schedule provided to you by the officer. You will be required to pay the bond amount listed on your bond schedule. The Courts accept money orders, certified checks or credit card. Do not send cash through the mail. You may also pay online by clicking here.
You may request a civil traffic hearing by mail or by appearing on your scheduled court date. If you request a hearing, you give up the option of attending a defensive driving school. You may post a deposit that is equal to the fine amount. You will receive a new hearing date. If you fail to appear on the new hearing date, your deposit will be forfeited. If you do not post a deposit prior to the hearing date, you must be prepared to pay the fine in full on the hearing date if you are found responsible
If you received a civil traffic moving violation, you may be eligible to take a defensive driving class and have the violation dismissed. Find out more about Defensive Driving School.
After the conclusion of a civil traffic hearing, the State or the defendant may appeal the judge's ruling. The appeal procedure is set forth in Rules of Court Procedure for Civil Traffic and Civil Boating Violations and in the Arizona Revised Statutes.
To start an appeal, a Notice of Appeal must be filed with the originating court within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the final order. If a Notice of Appeal is not filed within 14 calendar days, the final order can no longer be appealed.
There are two stages to the appeal process. The first stage begins in the Justice/Municipal Court; the second stage takes place in the Superior Court. All steps must be completed at both stages to avoid possible dismissal of the appeal.
The person who files the appeal is the Appellant. The opposing party is the Appellee. The Justice/Municipal Court is the trial court.
If the fine has been paid in full, the fine may be held as a bond throughout the appeal process. If the option of a payment plan is provided by the court, the defendant must remain compliant with the agreed upon terms during the appeal process.
Visit the Forms and Form Kits page for an appeal packet and instructions
If you have been charged with a criminal traffic violation, you have the following rights:
At an initial appearance/arraignment you will be informed of the charge(s) against you and their possible maximum and minimum penalties. At this time, you will enter a plea to the charge(s). You have the following plea options:
A plea of Not Guilty means that you are denying the charge(s) against you and the State will have to prove the charge(s). At this time, you may request court appointed counsel. A Pre-Trial Conference will be set at a later date, and you will be ordered to appear.
A plea of Guilty means that you are admitting that you did what you are charged with. It will result in a conviction for the charge(s). You may be sentenced at this time, or a Judgment and Sentencing will be set later.
A plea of No Contest means that you are not admitting or denying guilt, but do not intend to contest the charge(s). In this case, the Judge will find you guilty of the charge(s). It will result in a conviction for the charge(s).
It is mandatory that you attend the Pre-Trial Conference. You should appear with your attorney, if you have one. If you do not attend the Pre-Trial Conference, you will be in violation of a court order and a warrant will be issued for your arrest.
The purpose of a Pre-Trial Conference is for you to meet with a Prosecutor to discuss your case. You will get a copy of the police report. The Prosecutor will advise you of the sentence he/she intends to recommend in the event you are convicted. You will have the following choices:
You will appear at the Court Trial with your attorney if you have one representing you. The Prosecutor will present the State’s case. You or your attorney will have the right to cross-examine each witness for the State. You may testify on your own behalf. If you do testify, you will be subject to cross-examination by the Prosecutor.
If you are found Not Guilty, any bond that you have posted will be refunded. If you are found Guilty, you may be sentenced at that time or set for sentencing at a later date. If found Guilty, you have the right to appeal the conviction and/or sentence by filing a notice of appeal within fourteen (14) days from the sentencing date. The appeal is a review of the case. You would not automatically receive a new trial.
The following violations require an appearance before the Judge:
ARS 28-693A | Reckless Driving |
ARS 28-695 | Aggressive Driving |
Leaving the Scene of an Accident/ Personal Injury |
ARS 28-661A2 |
Failure to Stop at the Scene of an Accident/Personal Injury |
ARS 28-708A |
Racing on Highway |
ARS 28-1381A1 |
Driving While Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drug |
ARS 28-1381A2 |
Driving While Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor with A Blood Alcohol Content of .08 or More |
ARS 28-1381A3 |
Driving While Under the Influence of Drugs or Metabolite |
ARS 28-1381A4 |
Driving While Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor in a Commercial Vehicle with A Blood Alcohol Content of .04 or More |
ARS 28-1382A |
Driving While Under the Extreme Influence of Intoxicating Liquor |
ARS 28-3473A |
Driving While Driver’s License Suspended/Revoked/Cancelled |
After the conclusion of a criminal trial, the State or the defendant may appeal the court’s ruling. The appeal procedure is set forth in Superior Court Rules of Appellate Procedure and in the Arizona Revised Statutes.
To start an appeal, a Notice of Appeal must be filed with the trial court within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the final order. If a Notice of Appeal is not filed within 14 calendar days, the final order can no longer be appealed.
There are two stages to the appeal process. The first stage begins in the Justice/Municipal Court; the second stage takes place in the Superior Court. All steps must be completed at both stages to avoid possible dismissal of the appeal.
The person who files the appeal is the Appellant. The opposing party is the Appellee. The Justice/Municipal Court is the trial court.
Visit the Forms and Form Kits page for a complete appeal packet and instructions.