Here are some answers to common questions about child custody and child support issues.
CPS has taken my children and left me a Temporary Custody Notice, what do I do?
CPS has 72 hours to either return the children or file a dependency petition with the Court. The parent can make a request for a review of temporary custody hearing and can request an attorney be appointed to represent and assist them. The review of temporary custody hearing will be held within five days of the filing of the request (if a petition is filed).
I want to change child custody/child support. What do I have to do?
If you and your ex-spouse are not in agreement regarding the change, you can go to the Clerk's office to obtaining the forms for filing for a modification or download the forms from our Forms and Form Kits page.
Where do I go to get help regarding child support matter, I cannot afford an attorney?
Contact Community Legal Services at (928) 681-1177 or (800) 255-9031, or the Child Support Enforcement Agency at (928) 753-3134.
Do I have come to court to obtain a pay history of payments to be paid to the Clearinghouse, and then sent to me?
You can put a request in writing to have a pay history sent to you. There is a $30 fee for a pay history.
How do I sign up for Direct Deposit for my support payments?
Submit the Child Support Electronic Payment Authorization.
How do I get an ATLAS number?
You may call the Clerk's office at (928) 753-0713 x 4213.
What must I do to change my address?
We need to receive your change of address in writing or you may fax it to our office at (928) 753-0781.
When was my last support payment?
You may call the clearinghouse at (877) 903-1900. This is a toll free call.