Alert: Justice Courts eFiling
Effective April 1, 2025, Electronic Filing will be mandatory for all Mohave County Justice Court Eviction and Civil cases filed by an attorney. If you have any questions, please contact
the appropriate court.
Effective April 1, 2025, Electronic Filing will be mandatory for all Mohave County Justice Court Eviction and Civil cases filed by an attorney. If you have any questions, please contact
the appropriate court.
Dear Employee:
On behalf of the Judges, Division Heads and staff of the Superior Court in Mohave County, please accept my warm welcome and wishes for successful employment as a member of our team of dedicated and motivated professionals.
The Superior Court is the State of Arizona's general jurisdiction Trial Court. Superior Court Judges hear all types of cases including; felony, misdemeanor, civil, domestic relations, juvenile, probate, guardianship, mental health and other matters. The Superior Court in and for the County of Mohave is comprised of seven (7) numbered judicial divisions, each headed up by an elected Superior Court Judge, and four appointed Court Commissioners. In addition to these Courts, the Mohave County Superior Court includes the offices of Clerk of the Superior Court, an Adult and Juvenile Probation Department (including Juvenile Detention), and Superior Court Administration. Superior Court Administration is comprised of the Court Administrator’s Office, Court Security, Court Technology Services, Human Resources, Law Library, Conciliation Court, Juvenile Drug Court, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Program. The Superior Court has facilities in Bullhead City, Kingman and Lake Havasu City. The Presiding Judge oversees and administers the Superior Court through elected and appointed Division Heads and also has oversight of the Justice and Municipal Courts within the County.
The mission of Courts of Mohave County is to uphold the laws of the land; to resolve disputes and legal matters and to serve the public in a fair, timely, consistent and professional manner. Our vision is to provide the highest quality of justice services and to achieve excellence in all we do by: 1) Being fair, accessible and responsive to the needs of the community; 2) Providing innovative, collaborative and technologically advanced service to the court’s users and partners; 3) Maintaining motivated, competent, and professional judges and staff; and 4) Acquiring safe, functional and quality facilities and work environments.
We strive to provide a work environment which is conducive to both personal and professional growth. We are pleased you have been selected to join our professional staff and look forward to a mutually beneficial association.
Honorable Steven C. Moss
Presiding Judge
Listed below are the Policies & Procedures along with the Merit Rules governing the workplace for the Superior Court in Mohave County. Employees are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the policies, procedures and rules affecting their employment. The policies, procedures and rules are effective on the date indicated at the top of each policy or rule. The Presiding Judge may approve changes to the policies, procedures and rules over time. Employees will be made aware of changes through the employee newsletter, by administrative order, memorandum or other means. Questions should be directed to Superior Court Human Resources at (928)718-4928.
Simply click on the Name of a Policy or Rule to read its contents.
1.02 Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited
1.03 Drug Free Workplace
1.04 Employment Qualifications Review
1.06 Family and Medical Leave Procedures
1.07 Reduction in Force
1.08 Performance Planning and Evaluation
2.01 Workplace Violence
2.03 Weapons in the Courts
Infectious Disease Control Guidelines
Emergency Paid Sick Leave
Superior Court PTO Advance Request
3.01 Chain of Command, Employment of Relatives, Non-Fraternization, and Child Labor
- Limitations on Political Activities of Judicial Employees
- Limitations on Political Activities for Judges
4.01 Court Reporter Policy and Procedure
4.02 Volunteer / Intern Policy
4.03 Language Access Plan (LAP)
-Language Identification Cards
-Language Access Plan Complaint
4.04 Beverages in the Courthouse
4.05 Telecommuting Policy and Procedure
-Telecommuting Agreement
-2023 Employment Posters
Arizona Code of Judicial Administration Chapter 5 §1-503 'Electronic Communications' Policy
AOC, Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee Opinion 14-01, Use of Social and Electronic Media by Judges and Judicial Employees
Arizona Code of Judicial Administration Chapter 3 §1-302 Education and Training
7.1 Classification System
7.2 Compensation Program
7.3 Overtime (OT)
7.4 Call Back Pay
7.5 On-Call Pay
7.6 Holidays
7.7 Workers' Compensation
7.8 Payment Upon Termination of Employment
8.1 Paid Time Off (PTO) Leave
8.3 Bereavement
8.4 Military Leave
8.5 Leave of Absence Without Pay
8.6 Administrative Leave With Pay
8.7 Civic Duty Leave
8.8 Victim's Leave
8.9 Management Leave
8.300 Employee Illness Bank (EIB)
101. Definitions
102. General Provisions
103. Applicability
104. Merit System Administration
105. Personnel Records and Reports
106. Non-Discrimination
107. Recycling
108. Smoking
202. Recruitment
203. Applications
204. Examinations
205. Registers
206. Certification and Selection of Eligibles
207. Appointments
208. Promotion, Voluntary Demotion, Transfer, Reassignment, Reappointment and Detail
209. Probationary Period
501. Conduct
503. Other Employment
504. Attendance
506. Medical Evaluation Program
508. Polygraph
509. Education, Training and Required Education Credits
510. Use of Equipment and Vehicles
511. Business Travel Expenses
601. General
602. General Grievances
603. Appeals from Alleged Discrimination, Dismissal, Demotion and Unpaid Suspension
701. Discipline
702. Administrative Suspension and Special Observation
703. Types and Effective Date of Discipline: Pre-Disciplinary Meeting